Steel Union throws a curveball into a fight for American Steel. The stock went up.

Steel Union throws a curveball into a fight for American Steel.  The stock went up.

font size The tie-up between Cleveland Cliffs and US Steel should raise concerns about market concentration. Jean-Christophe Verhagen/AFP via Getty Images fight for United States Steel It has already taken a number of unexpected twists and turns. Investors got another one. Thursday, mainly United Steelworkers Supported try before Cleveland Cliffs (Stock ticker: CLF) to acquire … Read more

Tesla stock fell again for a new reason. Here’s where to go.

Tesla stock fell again for a new reason.  Here's where to go.

font size Tesla stock tends to rise faster than the Nasdaq when the index is up, but it falls faster when the benchmark is down. Philip Lopez/AFP via Getty Images EV stock leader Tesla They took a beating over the past two weeks, for reasons related to both the company and what’s happening in the … Read more

PayPal stock can’t catch up. A large investor cuts his stake.

PayPal stock can't catch up.  A large investor cuts his stake.

font size The problem with PayPal is that consumers are returning to pandemic spending patterns with fewer online orders. Courtesy PayPal The applause for PayPaa’s new boss didn’t last long. The payment giant’s stock got a small bump when it announced this gut instinct CEO Alex Kress will take over as CEO next month. PayPal … Read more